April 08, 2020

Retiring Colors...Order Today!

Retiring Soon!
2018-2020 In Colors

It's that time of year!! Stampin' Up!'s NEW annual catalog comes out June 3!! To make room for all of the new stuff, LOTS of items we love will be retiring!! The official list comes out at the end of April, and the everything on the list except stamps will be while supplies last!

We KNOW that the 2018-2020 In Colors (and everything that comes in those colors) will retire!! They are: Blueberry Bushel, Call Me Clover, Grapefruit Grove, Lovely Lipstick, Pineapple Punch!!

I recommend ordering anything you want NOW, BEFORE the list comes out and it's while supplies last! Traditionally, all of the retiring in color items, designer papers, and memories & more kits retire! Anything "could" retire, we just don't know yet!

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